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Subject: Going to Church? Or meetings
Replies: 15 Views: 1508

endtimes 27.12.08 - 09:54am
A very important aspect of the new dispensation of the New Testament, as demonstrated by the tearing of the veil, is the removal of the emphasis of the role that the place of worship plays. In the Old Testament the temple building formed the centre around which Jewish religious activities revolved. The place was of great importance. *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 09:55am
However, from a ' beyond the torn veil ' perspective, this emphasis becomes of minor importance. Unfortunately, once again because of the strength oe some traditional ideas, the place of worship remains a holy cow. Thus the Samaritan woman 's problem concerning the place of worship is still a common problem today. *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 09:56am
She confronts Jesus with : Sir, .. Our fathers worshipped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem

She has a problem about attending the right place of worship. Does that sound familiar? What was His answer to settle her problem? *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 09:58am
Jesus said : Believe Me woman ; a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem... A time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in SPIRIT and TRUTH, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks John 4 : 21 - 24 *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:03am
In the new dispensation we are taught that our bodies become the temple of the Lord ( 1 Cor 6 : 19 ) . The word that Jesus used for 'Church' in Matthew 16 : 18 is the word ekklesia which means 'called out ones' and refers to all born again believers all over the world. The New Testament church is not a building or an organisation, its a walking, talking, living organism made up of individual believers filled with the Spirit of God, called the body of Christ. *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:05am
You cannot join it, you can only be born into it spiritually. Neither can you resign from it, it is a spiritual reality, determined so by the will of God[br/][br/]From a New Testament point of view, belonging to anything other than Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, loses importance. In the new dispensation, fellowship and friendship, not membership, has taken on a new meaning. *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:06am
When we look at the history of the church during the first few centuries, it seems that the early believers understood the church to be, not an institution, but a spontaneous association of believers who formed an alternative society. Although they got together in different congregations, in different locations, Paul and other writers of the epistles recognised that there was only one church. This is confirmf by the way in which Paul addresses his letter to the Roman Christians ; ' To all in Rome..' ( Romans 1 : 7 ) *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:07am
His letter to the Christians in Corinth is addressed to 'the church of God in Corinth.' This seems to bd the pattern. History tells us that at that stage there were many Christians in cities like Rome and Corinth. It is very unlikely that they could all come together in one place. Although they must have fellowshipped in different congregations, in different localities, one letter was addressed to them all. *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:08am
The fact that Paul understood the church to be people, is confirmed in the way he sends greetings to Priscilla and Aquila : 'Greet Priscilla and Aquila... Greet also the church that meets in their house...' ( Romans 16 : 3 - 5 ) *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:09am
Believers don 't go to church, the church meets!

Imagine Paul having to write a letter to the church in Matatiele in our time! If he had to respect the different doctrines and attitudes in all the different denominations, it would be impossible for him to do so in one letter! *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:10am
Another factor that causes much unhappiness and eventually leads to division between members of the body of Christ is the fact that many religious groups formulate their doctrines and then write them down in the cement of their constitutions or in their statements of belief. These documents have so much authority that few dare to question them. *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:11am
The danger also exists of one being branded a rebel and being ostracised if one should dare to differ! Of this many believers have firsthand experience. Because of rigid structures, very few institutions can allow debate or difference of opinion. One wonders in what measure the principles of the New Testament can be implemented in a traditional model of the church? *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:12am
Here one is reminded of the words of Jesus: Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved ( Matthew 9 : 17 ) *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:13am
It has been seen over and over : rigid religious structures just cannot allow healthy discussion concerning what is plainly written and instructed in the Word of God. The whole thing will tear apart. Many sincere believers plead and pray for the unity of the church. *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:14am
But how many have the courage of their convictions to do something about so many unbiblical practices, structures and beliefs that cause the disunity in the first place. Where does the responsibility of the believer lie? To be faithful to Biblical truth or to sacrifice it for the sake of unity? The Bible declares that the Church should be a pillar and foundation of truth. ( 1 Timothy 3 : 15 ) Compare this statement with the lackadaisical attitude many believers have towards what they believe! *

endtimes 27.12.08 - 10:16am
I agree with what A.W. Tozer says :

The face of God shines down on us, but we allow the clouds to form. Clouds of stubborn pride, self-will, ambition, etc. Then there is the matter of presumption. Some Christians recognise that the cloud is there - so they presume that they can fast and pray through this kind of cloud - just another form of stubbornness. We have no word from God indicating long prayers will make everything right. Genuine prayer is still soul 's sincere desire and God still answers. But we must give up this idea that we can hang on to those things that bring the cloud and still be able to pray the cloud away. You cannot do it! *

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